Nathalie & Maarten MartensBobbenagelseweg 4, Sint-OedenrodeT 0413-752680
Perfect place to stay
Joy and love
For all breeds
5 star service
Dismissive vacation
Dismissive vacation
Joy and love
Enjoy everyday
5 star service
Perfect place to stay
For all breeds
Professional and safe
Professional and safe
Enjoy everyday

All booked for the summer

In May we were almost fully booked for the summer holidays! Unfortunately, we also had to disappoint some regular customers, which is something we definitely do not like to do. However, we cannot really change this because we also want all of our summer guests to have plenty of space for a lovely and relaxing holiday. At our hotel, we aim to avoid crowded areas and stress among the cats, the owners and their hosts.

If you still want to book for the summer, please contact us to discuss any available options.